Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Michigan Tomorrow

Kelli Sue is heading to Michigan tomorrow.  She is only there for 5 days to visit friends and then heading back here for a week in Houston and then 2 more weeks before leaving for Australia!  I am sooo enjoying her company!  We are now in Quail Creek with my parents.  Had a great dinner at their grill and then played cards with Dad.  Mom is out playing pony canasta.  Kelli Sue won at "99" and wants to know where her money is!  Ha!
Friends watching Sarah's Key!

Mom and Kelli at Judy's for Sarah's Key!

May have posted this before...too cute...made by Kadie Labadie!

Ryan and Kelli at Cheesecake Factory

Birthday Cards made by Kelli Sue...and Theo

Amber and Arran

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