Dear LORD, who created all things, have mercy on the animals, especially our pets, which you have given to us as companions and friends. Watch over them and give to those who care for them, gentle hands and hushed words. Help us to likewise be their comfort , support and loving protectors. Thank you for their beauty and various personalities and for the joy that they give to us. Amen
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer
Animals listed in my prayers since childhood...Joker, Puff, Buffy, Pandy, Andy, Jennifer, Gary, Gail, Cleo, Tao, Sammy, Connie, Charlie, Pepper, Autumn, Honey, Tupe, Skeezix,Dimples, Marco Polo, Elizabeth, Angie, Chino, Punkin, Purr, Sassy, Renee, Amber, Arran, Liberty, and Jack (2 dogs, 3 turtles, 2 fish, a few hamsters, and at least 10 cats!)
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