Monday, 22 January 2007

Moving! & Challenges! & Flowers!

Thanks for all of your comments. This is a fun fun fun communication tool!

Here is my 3rd card from Emily's "Deck of You" .

Her prompt was "I am...".

I replied "I am enjoying myself in this place at this time" , on the back I have written ,"because this summer we are moving to Alaska!"

I have very mixed feelings about this move.

A) I am always up for a challenge(hee-hee), but

B) I love it here in Scotland.

hmmm, at least I have a few months to enjoy it here as much as I can!

Also included are shots from Duthie Park. Last Thursday, Eliz and I both watercolored again. I haven't gotten out the paints for quite some time due to pastels just being easier. We had so much fun. And of course I had to capture some of the gorgeous flowers that were there for us to en{JOY}!


valerie said...

fab card and your blog looks lovley too have bookmarked it for when I have more time

Emily Falconbridge said...

your blog is so pretty with all your creatvity and beautiful pictures! alaska!!! good luck - big move hey!

Kristen said...

i love your cards - such great colors! Scotland! Alaska! What adventures you must have!

Jen said...

Beautiful card and flowers!

Roo said...

Lovely card. Love all the flowers too.

Lynn said...

beautiful card, I was born in Scotland! You are going all the way to alaska??? Wow!