Monday, 29 January 2007

Week Four

Ok, so this one was tough, cuz I like lots of symbols. I have a ton of sun stamps & my old favorite song was,"You are my sunshine". I collect a cross from most places I visit. I look for lions because of St. Marc and because I am a Leo. Hmmm! The list goes on and on, so I asked my daughter and she immediately replied, "OUR CAT". So here it is... the cat that we developed to mark our golf balls a few summers ago. We are a cat loving family and this is truly a symbol that I love! Thanks Emily for such thought provoking entertainment! I love this challenge!

Friday, 26 January 2007


Just got back from a fast trip with friends to Stoke and the surrounding pottery area. We hit about 8 shops in 2 days and managed to learn a little about the process also. We saw millions of patterns in about 5 basic colors. Here are a few pictures---en{JOY}! I loved it---thoroughly enjoyed the giggles, card playing, eating, chatting, shopping, looking, and learning. Let's do it again real soon!

Monday, 22 January 2007

more more more

The 2 younger kids are in France for a school trip and they have both called to see if I am lonely...isn't that cute?

Chelsi has also called to check up on me! Too funny!

Moving! & Challenges! & Flowers!

Thanks for all of your comments. This is a fun fun fun communication tool!

Here is my 3rd card from Emily's "Deck of You" .

Her prompt was "I am...".

I replied "I am enjoying myself in this place at this time" , on the back I have written ,"because this summer we are moving to Alaska!"

I have very mixed feelings about this move.

A) I am always up for a challenge(hee-hee), but

B) I love it here in Scotland.

hmmm, at least I have a few months to enjoy it here as much as I can!

Also included are shots from Duthie Park. Last Thursday, Eliz and I both watercolored again. I haven't gotten out the paints for quite some time due to pastels just being easier. We had so much fun. And of course I had to capture some of the gorgeous flowers that were there for us to en{JOY}!

Monday, 15 January 2007


Hey! Have started Emily Falconbridge's Art Journal Challenge. Start with a deck of cards and each week (52 cards/52 weeks) journal and practice a technique on this wee surface! She is doing it also and posting her cards and helping us with a "prod". You can join in the fun at any time and on her comments you can find links to view other people's weekly creations. How fun is that? Here are mine: The first one is "What are you proud of?" Week 2 is "What is powerful to you? The Quote on the back of Week 2 is " Family is one of nature's masterpieces." by G. Santanya. I took this same challenge as a class while in Paris. Emily had us make a litte bag to hold all of the fantabulous works of art! I finally finished that too!
Here are Kelli, Amber, & Arran!

Sunday, 14 January 2007


Drove down to lovely Kinnesswood on Saturday. Dreich day, but nice drive. The company was superb and we made it in no time! About an hour after everyone else. Came back today with more superb company, more *dreichiness*, and smooth driving! Thanks for your hospitality Lesley! We danced out at Vane Farm, where we had a very nice cup of coffee and participated in a wee bit of retail therapy. The last pics are the standing stones of Orwell and Burleigh Castle. These are along the road between Kinnesswood and Milnathort.

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Looking through pictures from 1992!

Cleaned out the garage over break and of course had to check out the old photo albums with the kids. My goodness, God certainly blessed us with beautiful children! Look at these babies! Aren't they absolutely gorgeous?!? Some are taken in Michigan and some are taken in Louisiana. We had so much fun "bemembering". And we also got the garage cleaned up and one load of "the good stuff' given to the Red Cross. Yeah!

Friday, 5 January 2007

Some more from Inverurie!

Beauuutiful Day!

Took Ryan and Andrew to Inverurie today! They were thrilled to see the 4 Inverurie Kirkyard stones, Broomend of Crichie, and Brandsbutt. Ryan filmed, Andrew narrated, and I directed(&was ignored)! Here are some of MY pictures to prove it! We also had a nice lunch at the Garden Centre.

Thursday, 4 January 2007


Hey! It's JANUARY!

Actually January 4, 2007! Amazing!

Chelsi left yesterday morning and was excited to return to Liberty. We did some really fun things while she was here---like cleaning out the garage! We started the household inventory with the Christmas stuff while it was out. We never did make the traditional gingerbread house, though we all made some pretty terrific cookies! Took a day trip to Edinburgh, went to the National Museum, ate at Hardrock, and shopped at Jenners. The trip down was uneventful, but the return was full of all sorts of cancelations, ons and offs, and finally a very late train back via Dundee. Oh well, makes for good story telling!