Friday, 8 December 2006

Heraldry & MahJong

Was mesmerized last night by a talk on Scottish Heraldry. Very Interesting! Thanks Elizabeth for going with me. It was at St. Nicholas Kirk downtown and they served some delightful mulled wine and mince pies.
Today had a blast with the Mahjong ladies---Melinda had a winning "Winter" hand! We also created a "Aberdeen" hand of a pung in each suit, a pair of winds or dragons, and a mixed chow! The "winter" hand is 4 pungs and a pair of circles (snowballs), N or S winds, or white dragons!
Here is the promised teapot picture and some mj shots.


Bonnie said...

I want that teapot - where did you getit?

Unknown said...

My gosh, what is that teapot - I say box it up and pray that Bonnie doesn't come to her senses! HA!
