Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Raining Again!

What a long summer! Normally I don't mind some rain...actually love a good storm even, but this summer has been too damn wet! I have heard all sorts of numbers. 8th wettest summer, 7th wettest July, etc.,. All I know is I am over it! really over it! Ha! Probably even longer, cuz Mike has been in Louisiana since April 27th. Kelli Sue and I went down at the end of June to see him for 4 days. And then he surprised me for my birthday in July, for 5 days. So in total, he has had 2 breaks for 14 days, of which 2 of those days were travel to and from AK. WOW! Kelli Sue has been here in AK, but working on the slope and loving it. She has had 2 -3 week shifts and is now up there again for 2 weeks, and then 1 week here and then back to wonderful Michigan State University. Ryan has been here for a little less than a month and OMGoodness, it that a good thing. Poor kid has been such a help and such good company for his old momma! Chelsi is here too, but working a 2 week shift on the slope too. ( As well as Kyle, who has also been a great help.) Lots of changes for us and our friends. And it is still raining!