This was a lovely sightseeing trip with Sara and Moira just before I moved to AK.

This is how I know Sara... and if you would like to see more pictures than check out "Raggies" to the right! And to see a much younger Kelli actually dancing, click
Raggies and then
Media and then scroll down to
Blackrod bottoms and watch the video.

And this is Sara's helpful cat!
Sara's 16 things ~ tho' not necessarily in order!
I am:~
1 a wife & mother
2 a novice singer
3 an enthusiastic, if lazy, step dancer
4 still struggling to grade 1 piano
5 a Lancashire Lass who adores living in Scotland
6 a keen rugby supporter
7 passionate about liquorice ~ the eating of
8 a Christian
9 still making a patchwork quilt
10 unable to draw
11 intrinsically lazy
12 a knitter & crocheter
13 a tennis player
14 keen to see more of the world
15 a skier
16 a PENSIONER!!!!
Dear Sara,
Having known you for over 5 years...how did I not know you could have helped me learn to
knit...and that we shared a passion for
licorice. Did I tell you that I still have 5 bags of Buchanan's The Original Rich Liquorice Perfections...Scotland's finest confectionery?